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Science and Technology of Advanced Materials

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials is the leading open access, international journal covering a broad spectrum of materials science research including functional materials, synthesis and processing, theoretical analyses, characterization and properties of materials. Emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary nature of materials science and issues at the forefront of the field, such as energy and environmental issues, as well as medical and bioengineering applications.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

materials science; biomedical and bio-inspired materials; energy; environment; nanoscale materials

Institución detectada Período Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere desde mar. 2000 / hasta nov. 2007 Directory of Open Access Journals acceso abierto
No requiere desde mar. 2000 / hasta nov. 2007 IOPScience acceso abierto
No requiere desde mar. 2000 / hasta nov. 2007 ScienceDirect acceso abierto
No requiere desde ene. 2000 / hasta nov. 2007 Taylor and Francis Online acceso abierto


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


Idiomas de la publicación

  • inglés

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Información sobre licencias CC

Tabla de contenidos

An advanced method for measuring the residual stress of deposited film utilizing laser spallation technique

R. Ikeda; T. Uchiyama; H. Cho; T. Ogawa; M. Takemoto

Palabras clave: General Materials Science.

Pp. 90-96

Advanced indentation technique for strength evaluation of hard thin films

A. Yonezu; H. Cho; T. Ogawa; M. Takemeto

Palabras clave: General Materials Science.

Pp. 97-103

Optical fiber acoustic emission system for monitoring molten salt attack

T. Matsuo; H. Cho; M. Takemoto

Palabras clave: General Materials Science.

Pp. 104-110

Thermal and mechanical properties of chemically bonded aramid–silica nano-composites

F. Al-Sagheer; A.A.M. Ali; S. Muslim; Z. Ahmad

Palabras clave: General Materials Science.

Pp. 111-118

Thermodynamic modeling of the Ca–Ni system

D. Uremovich; F. Islam; M. Medraj

Palabras clave: General Materials Science.

Pp. 119-126

An approach to the optimal design of technological parameters in the profile extrusion process

Hong Yan; Juchen Xia

Palabras clave: General Materials Science.

Pp. 127-131

Photomagnetic Langmuir–Blodgett films consisting of azobenzene and Prussian Blue: Correlation between the film structure and the photomagnetic efficiency

Takashi Yamamoto; Yasushi Umemura; Osamu Sato; Yasuaki Einaga

Palabras clave: General Materials Science.

Pp. 134-138

Synthesis of DPA dendron encapsulated gold clusters with metal-assembling function

Yi Men; Masayoshi Higuchi; Kimihisa Yamamoto

Palabras clave: General Materials Science.

Pp. 139-144

Transformation to L10 structure in FePd nanoparticles synthesized by modified polyol process

Keita Watanabe; Hiroaki Kura; Tetsuya Sato

Palabras clave: General Materials Science.

Pp. 145-149

SPR sensor signal amplification based on dye-doped polymer particles

Hirokazu Komatsu; Makiko Miyachi; Eiji Fujii; Daniel Citterio; Koji Yamada; Yoshinobu Sato; Kazuyoshi Kurihara; Haruma Kawaguchi; Koji Suzuki

Palabras clave: General Materials Science.

Pp. 150-155