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Hydrogeology Journal

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Hydrogeology Journal has acquired a large worldwide readership since its inception in 1992. A mainstream paper in Hydrogeology Journal integrates subsurface hydrology and geology with the other supporting disciplines (such as geochemistry, geophysics, geomorphology, geobiology, surface-water hydrology, tectonics, mathematics, numerical modeling, economics, and sociology) to explain phenomena observed in the field.
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No detectada desde ene. 1997 / hasta dic. 2023 SpringerLink


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ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


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Improving school children’s understanding of water scarcity with a co-produced book on groundwater in Central Chile

Sofía Vargas-Payera; Matías Taucare; Claudio Pareja; Jessica Vejar

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Water scarcity is a critical issue worldwide, and Chile is no exception. Since 2010, Central Chile has been enduring an ongoing water crisis due to the coupled effects of a severe drought and the overuse of water resources, especially groundwater. Rural communities have been strongly impacted, mainly because wells from which drinking water is supplied show a dramatic drop in water levels, and some have even dried up. The water scarcity scenario requires the integration of actors and disciplines to increase awareness of groundwater; however, how to make this valuable element visible in society is an issue that remains open to debate. This paper describes and reflects on the process of making educational material about groundwater and water scarcity for children to promote public awareness. Based on transdisciplinary and co-designing processes, this work describes the social perceptions of groundwater among children and community leaders, as well as how scientific information and local knowledge of water scarcity could be integrated into a book for the young population. This research finds that educational projects on groundwater resources increase people’s awareness of the role of this hidden resource in the water cycle. Such projects encourage the creation of grounded and contextualised materials that incorporate the knowledge and experience already present in the communities, increasing public awareness of the role of groundwater and associated water scarcity issues, thereby integrating academia and society. This approach could be a tool to lay the foundations for successfully addressing the water crisis in Chile over generations.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); Water Science and Technology.

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Transport du bleu de méthylène dans un mélange de sable et d'illite et ses implications pour le transport des contaminants

Seokjae Lee; Subin Yang; Dongjoon Lee; Hangseok Choi; Jongmuk WonORCID

Palabras clave: Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); Water Science and Technology.

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Distribution, menaces et protection d’une sélection d’écosystèmes dépendant des eaux souterraines karstiques en région méditerranéenne

Lena Siegel; Nico GoldscheiderORCID; Marco Petitta; Julian Xanke; Bartolomé Andreo; Michel Bakalowicz; Juan Antonio Barberá; Rachida Bouhlila; Avihu Burg; Joanna Doummar; Ines Ezzine; Jaime Fernández-Ortega; Mohamed Ghanmi; Hervé Jourde; Ana Isabel Marín; Amal Mhimdi; Tanja Pipan; Nataša Ravbar; Aleksandra Maran Stevanović; Zoran Stevanović

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Karst groundwater-dependent ecosystems (KGDEs) in the Mediterranean region are important in terms of ecosystem services and biodiversity but are increasingly under anthropogenic pressures and climate-change constraints. For this study, the ecohydrological characteristics, threats, and protection status of 112 selected KGDEs around the Mediterranean Sea, including caves, springs, rivers and wetlands, were evaluated, based on local expert knowledge and scientific literature. Results demonstrate that KGDEs contribute considerably to regional biodiversity. The diversity of karst landscapes, combined with the groundwater emergence at springs, leads to exceptional habitat diversity, particularly in arid climates, where KGDEs serve as a refuge for species that could not thrive in the surrounding environment. The most common threats identified among the selected sites are direct human disturbances, such as mass tourism or overfishing, water-quality deterioration and water shortage from aquifer overdraft and/or climate change. Although most of the selected sites are under protection, conservation measures are frequently insufficient. Such shortcomings are often caused by poor data availability, little knowledge on conservation needs of invertebrate species, and conflicts of interest with the local population. For this purpose, it is necessary to raise environmental awareness and promote interdisciplinary research, in order to monitor water quality and quantity in addition to the status of the biocenoses.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); Water Science and Technology.

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Modélisation hydrologique intégrée du bassin versant de No-Name, Montagnes de Medicine Bow, Wyoming (Etats-Unis d’Amérique)

Jianying Jiao; Ye Zhang; Andrew D. Parsekian; Scott Miller; Reed M. Maxwell; Minh C. Nguyen; Brady Adams Flinchum

Palabras clave: Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); Water Science and Technology.

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Cambios en el almacenamiento de agua (2003–2020) en la Cuenca de Ordos, China, según datos GRACE y el aprendizaje profundo interpretable

Ziming Hu; Shinan Tang; Shaoxing MoORCID; Xiaoqing Shi; Xin Yin; Yuanyuan Sun; Xiaomin Liu; Limin Duan; Ping Miao; Tingxi Liu; Jichun Wu

Palabras clave: Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); Water Science and Technology.

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Integração de medições de altura superficial e dados InSAR para quantificar mudanças no armazenamento de água subterrânea no Vale de San Joaquin, Califórnia (EUA)

M. LeesORCID; R. Knight

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Monitoring groundwater storage is essential for sustainable groundwater management. Storage can be quantified by considering the two main components through which storage change is expressed: saturation changes and deformation of aquifer materials. Here, these components were quantified using a selected area in California’s San Joaquin Valley (USA). First, this involved following existing observational approaches: quantifying the component expressed through saturation changes by identifying head measurements from shallow wells and scaling by specific yield. In the San Joaquin Valley, existing approaches to estimate the deformation component are to ignore it or approximate it with a simple linear relation to measured head. However, head and deformation measurements made at extensometers revealed that assuming a linear relationship between deformation and head might provide a poor estimate, particularly during periods in which measured head is rising. Instead, InSAR-derived surface deformation measurements were used to quantify the deformation component of storage changes. This showed that the two components—saturation and deformation—accounted for storage declines of equal magnitude over 2015–2021, suggesting that the deformation component should not be neglected when estimating storage changes in regions with subsidence. Summing the two calculated components gave a new estimate of the total storage change that captured the major trends seen in independent estimates, while better accounting for the deformation component. An additional benefit is that this method accounts for the deformation component in the unconfined aquifer. This method to quantify total storage change can be a practical and effective tool to support groundwater management.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); Water Science and Technology.

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Yinong Cai; Yuling Yin; Xingxing KuangORCID; Yinlei Hao; Junguo Liu; Chunmiao Zheng

Palabras clave: Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); Water Science and Technology.

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Estudo experimental da influência da gradação do arenito na capacidade de armazenamento de água de um reservatório de espaço poroso em um depósito de resíduos de uma mina de carvão a céu aberto

Jingwei Wang; Shuzhao ChenORCID; Liu Han; Tao Shang; Shouhe Cao; Guoyu Yang; Tao Chen; Yinda Li

Palabras clave: Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); Water Science and Technology.

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Calcul de la recharge naturelle par la méthode de fluctuation de la nappe aquifère: où implanter un puits d’observation

Jean-Christophe MaréchalORCID; Pierre Perrochet; Yvan CaballeroORCID

Palabras clave: Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); Water Science and Technology.

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勘误: 咸水入侵和气候变化条件下越南沿海Tra Vinh省的地下水可持续利用

Tuc Dang Van; Yangxiao Zhou; Tibor Y. Stigter; Tuan Pham Van; Hai Dao Hong; Thanh Dong Uyen; Vuong Bui Tran

Palabras clave: Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); Water Science and Technology.

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