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Lidar: Range-Resolved Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere

Claus Weitkamp (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer Science+Business Media Inc. 2005

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Introduction to Lidar

Ulla Wandinger

Palabras clave: Yttrium Aluminium Garnet; Backscatter Signal; Lidar System; Lidar Signal; Backscatter Light.

Pp. 1-18

Polarization in Lidar

Kenneth Sassen

Palabras clave: Cirrus Cloud; Nonspherical Particle; Polar Stratospheric Cloud; Zenith Direction; Nitric Acid Trihydrate.

Pp. 19-42

Lidar and Multiple Scattering

Luc R. Bissonnette

Palabras clave: Optical Depth; Phase Function; Multiple Scattering; Radiative Transfer Equation; Single Scattering.

Pp. 43-103

Lidar and Atmospheric Aerosol Particles

Albert Ansmann; Detlef Müller

Palabras clave: Complex Refractive Index; Stratospheric Aerosol; Aerosol Type; Lidar Observation; Lidar Ratio.

Pp. 105-141

High Spectral Resolution Lidar

Edwin E. Eloranta

Palabras clave: Iodine Absorption; Seed Laser; Molecular Scattering; Lidar Return; Raman Lidar.

Pp. 143-163

Visibility and Cloud Lidar

Christian Werner; Jürgen Streicher; Ines Leike; Christoph Münkel

In summary it can be stated that visibility lidar is an accepted technology wherever impaired vision must be detected to impose speed limits to road or takeoff and landing restrictions to air traffic. Visibility lidars known as ceilometers have reached a degree of maturity to work 24 hours a day in the required fully-automated, hands-off operation mode. The development of much smaller systems for use under restricted space conditions and of systems small and cheap enough to be used as a truck and car accessory is in progress, with good chances to reach full commercial availability soon.

Palabras clave: Lidar Data; Contrast Threshold; Backscatter Signal; Lidar Signal; International Civil Aviation Organization.

Pp. 165-186

Differential-Absorption Lidar for Ozone and Industrial Emissions

Gary G. Gimmestad

Palabras clave: Industrial Emission; Range Resolution; Lidar System; Aerosol Optical Property; Aerosol Extinction.

Pp. 187-212

Differential-Absorption Lidar for Water Vapor and Temperature Profiling

Jens Bösenberg

The application of differential absorption lidar to narrow lines of the rotational-vibrational spectrum of water vapor or oxygen for humidity and temperature profiling is technically demanding with respect to the laser source and the data acquisition. Many details need to be considered carefully in system design and data evaluation. If that is done properly the technique is very powerful, in particular for water-vapor profiling. The main strengths of DIAL in ground-based applications are its excellent daytime performance for high-resolution studies in the boundary layer and high-accuracy routine observations in the lower half of the troposphere, as well as its independence from external calibrations. Suitability for airborne and probably also for spaceborne applications is definitely another very important feature of the method.

Palabras clave: Water Vapor; Absorption Line; Absorption Cross Section; Line Strength; Integrate Water Vapor.

Pp. 213-239

Raman Lidar

Ulla Wandinger

Palabras clave: Aerosol Optical Depth; Raman Band; Raman Signal; Rayleigh Scattering; Raman Line.

Pp. 241-271

Temperature Measurements with Lidar

Andreas Behrendt

Palabras clave: Atmospheric Temperature; Calibration Function; Backscatter Signal; Lidar Signal; Height Resolution.

Pp. 273-305