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Operator Theory in Inner Product Spaces

Karl-Heinz Förster ; Peter Jonas ; Heinz Langer ; Carsten Trunk (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Operator Theory; Functions of a Complex Variable; Functional Analysis

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Birkhäuser Verlag AG 2007

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Normal Matrices in Degenerate Indefinite Inner Product Spaces

Christian Mehl; Carsten Trunk

Complex matrices that are structured with respect to a possibly degenerate indefinite inner product are studied. Based on the theory of linear relations, the notion of an adjoint is introduced: the adjoint of a matrix is defined as a linear relation which is a matrix if and only if the inner product is nondegenerate. This notion is then used to give alternative definitions of selfadjoint and unitary matrices in degenerate inner product spaces and it is shown that those coincide with the definitions that have been used in the literature before. Finally, a new definition for normal matrices is given which allows the generalization of an extension result for positive invariant subspaces from the case of nondegenerate inner products to the case of degenerate inner products.

Palabras clave: Degenerate inner product space; adjoint; linear relations; -self-adjoint; -unitary; -normal.

Pp. 193-209

Symmetric Hermite-Biehler Polynomials with Defect

Vyacheslav Pivovarchik

The polynomial ω = P ( λ ) + iQ ( λ ) with real P ( λ ) and Q ( λ ) which belongs to Hermite-Biehler class (all its zeros lie in the open upper half-plane) and is symmetric $$ (\omega ( - \bar \lambda ) = \overline {\omega (\lambda )} ) $$ is modified as follows $$ (\omega _c (\lambda ) = \tilde P(\lambda ^2 + c) + i\lambda \tilde \hat Q(\lambda ^2 + c), c > 0. $$ Here $$ \tilde P(\lambda ^2 ) = P(\lambda ),\tilde \hat Q(\lambda ^2 ) = \lambda ^{ - 1} Q(\lambda ) $$ and $$ P(\lambda ) = \frac{{\omega (\lambda ) + \omega ( - \lambda )}} {2},Q(\lambda ) = \frac{{\omega (\lambda ) - \omega ( - \lambda )}} {{2i}} $$ The conditions are obtained necessary and sufficient for a set of complex numbers to be the zeros of a polynomial of the form ω _c( λ ).

Palabras clave: Hermite-Biehler polynomial; Hurwitz polynomials; zeros in the lower half-plane.

Pp. 211-224

A Note on Indefinite Douglas’ Lemma

Leiba Rodman

The Douglas lemma on majorization and factorization of Hilbert space operators is extended to the setting of Krein space operators.

Palabras clave: Majorization; factorization; Hilbert space operators; Krein spaces.

Pp. 225-229

Some Basic Properties of Polynomials in a Linear Relation in Linear Spaces

Adrian Sandovici

The behavior of the domain, the range, the kernel and the multivalued part of a polynomial in a linear relation is analyzed, respectively.

Palabras clave: Polynomial; linear space; linear relation; domain; range; kernel; multivalued part.

Pp. 231-240