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Spirituality and Ethics in Management

László Zsolnai (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Ethics; Management; Ontology

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Información sobre derechos de publicación

© Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. 2005

Tabla de contenidos

The Economy of Sharing

Tibor Héjj

The electrical resistivity of thin silver [1] and gold [2] films deposited at room temperature on glass and silicon substrates was previously studied mainly with respect to the thickness dependence. The results were explained with the help of the so-called scattering hypothesis where grain boundary scattering is the decisive process for polycrystalline films while surface scattering becomes effective for single-crystal films, in particular at the metal/silicon transition.

Part 3 - Integrating Spirituality and Management | Pp. 141-151

Spirituality as Faith in Relation to Management

Mike Thompson

The electrical resistivity of thin silver [1] and gold [2] films deposited at room temperature on glass and silicon substrates was previously studied mainly with respect to the thickness dependence. The results were explained with the help of the so-called scattering hypothesis where grain boundary scattering is the decisive process for polycrystalline films while surface scattering becomes effective for single-crystal films, in particular at the metal/silicon transition.

Part 3 - Integrating Spirituality and Management | Pp. 153-157

Organizational Transformation Through Human Values

Yazdi Jehangir Bankwala

The electrical resistivity of thin silver [1] and gold [2] films deposited at room temperature on glass and silicon substrates was previously studied mainly with respect to the thickness dependence. The results were explained with the help of the so-called scattering hypothesis where grain boundary scattering is the decisive process for polycrystalline films while surface scattering becomes effective for single-crystal films, in particular at the metal/silicon transition.

Part 3 - Integrating Spirituality and Management | Pp. 159-167

Spiritually-Based Leadership

William C. Miller

It’s too late to argue about whether spirituality belongs in the workplace. Our spiritual values go to work with us, and it’s time we exercise leadership based on them. We are all called to lead the way to a new story about leadership and spiritual values in business. As stated by Michael Ray, professor at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business: The real heroes of today are people dealing with the challenges of a world in chaotic transition. They know the difficulty and suffering that is part of this world. But they also have full faith in their inner creativity or spirit with its infinite intuition, will, joy, strength, and compassion. They know that the joy and promise of life is taking these inner qualities and bringing them forth in a constant quest for the highest for themselves and everyone around them.

When we step up to this challenge, this call, to be business leaders steeped in our spiritual values, our companies will take the lead in building the character—and thus the reputation—required for sustainable growth in this new millennium.

Part 3 - Integrating Spirituality and Management | Pp. 169-174

A New Chance for Management — A New Challenge for Spirituality

Josep M. Lozano; Raimon Ribera

The electrical resistivity of thin silver [1] and gold [2] films deposited at room temperature on glass and silicon substrates was previously studied mainly with respect to the thickness dependence. The results were explained with the help of the so-called scattering hypothesis where grain boundary scattering is the decisive process for polycrystalline films while surface scattering becomes effective for single-crystal films, in particular at the metal/silicon transition.

Part 3 - Integrating Spirituality and Management | Pp. 175-185

Taking Spirituality Seriously

Laszlo Zsolnai

The electrical resistivity of thin silver [1] and gold [2] films deposited at room temperature on glass and silicon substrates was previously studied mainly with respect to the thickness dependence. The results were explained with the help of the so-called scattering hypothesis where grain boundary scattering is the decisive process for polycrystalline films while surface scattering becomes effective for single-crystal films, in particular at the metal/silicon transition.

- Conclusion | Pp. 189-200