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Arguing on the Toulmin Model: New Essays in Argument Analysis and Evaluation

David Hitchcock ; Bart Verheij (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Epistemology; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Logic

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer 2006

Tabla de contenidos

The Voice of the Other: A Dialogico-Rhetorical Understanding of Opponent and of Toulmin's Rebuttal

Wouter H. Slob

In this paper we present a new decision procedure for the satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (LAL), i.e. boolean combinations of propositional variables and linear constraints over numerical variables. Our approach is based on the well known integration of a propositional SAT procedure with theory deciders, enhanced in the following ways.

First, our procedure relies on an solver for linear arithmetic, that is able to exploit the fact that it is repeatedly called to analyze sequences of increasingly large sets of constraints. Reasoning in the theory of LA interacts with the boolean top level by means of a stack-based interface, that enables the top level to add constraints, set points of backtracking, and backjump, without restarting the procedure from scratch at every call. Sets of inconsistent constraints are found and used to drive backjumping and learning at the boolean level, and theory atoms that are consequences of the current partial assignment are inferred.

Second, the solver is : a satisfying assignment is constructed by reasoning at different levels of abstractions (logic of equality, real values, and integer solutions). Cheaper, more abstract solvers are called first, and unsatisfiability at higher levels is used to prune the search. In addition, theory reasoning is partitioned in different clusters, and tightly integrated with boolean reasoning.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by means of a thorough experimental evaluation: our approach is competitive with and often superior to several state-of-the-art decision procedures.

Pp. 165-180

Evaluating Arguments Based on Toulmin's Scheme

Bart Verheij

In this paper we present a new decision procedure for the satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (LAL), i.e. boolean combinations of propositional variables and linear constraints over numerical variables. Our approach is based on the well known integration of a propositional SAT procedure with theory deciders, enhanced in the following ways.

First, our procedure relies on an solver for linear arithmetic, that is able to exploit the fact that it is repeatedly called to analyze sequences of increasingly large sets of constraints. Reasoning in the theory of LA interacts with the boolean top level by means of a stack-based interface, that enables the top level to add constraints, set points of backtracking, and backjump, without restarting the procedure from scratch at every call. Sets of inconsistent constraints are found and used to drive backjumping and learning at the boolean level, and theory atoms that are consequences of the current partial assignment are inferred.

Second, the solver is : a satisfying assignment is constructed by reasoning at different levels of abstractions (logic of equality, real values, and integer solutions). Cheaper, more abstract solvers are called first, and unsatisfiability at higher levels is used to prune the search. In addition, theory reasoning is partitioned in different clusters, and tightly integrated with boolean reasoning.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by means of a thorough experimental evaluation: our approach is competitive with and often superior to several state-of-the-art decision procedures.

Pp. 181-202

Good Reasoning on the Toulmin Model

David Hitchcock

In this paper we present a new decision procedure for the satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (LAL), i.e. boolean combinations of propositional variables and linear constraints over numerical variables. Our approach is based on the well known integration of a propositional SAT procedure with theory deciders, enhanced in the following ways.

First, our procedure relies on an solver for linear arithmetic, that is able to exploit the fact that it is repeatedly called to analyze sequences of increasingly large sets of constraints. Reasoning in the theory of LA interacts with the boolean top level by means of a stack-based interface, that enables the top level to add constraints, set points of backtracking, and backjump, without restarting the procedure from scratch at every call. Sets of inconsistent constraints are found and used to drive backjumping and learning at the boolean level, and theory atoms that are consequences of the current partial assignment are inferred.

Second, the solver is : a satisfying assignment is constructed by reasoning at different levels of abstractions (logic of equality, real values, and integer solutions). Cheaper, more abstract solvers are called first, and unsatisfiability at higher levels is used to prune the search. In addition, theory reasoning is partitioned in different clusters, and tightly integrated with boolean reasoning.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by means of a thorough experimental evaluation: our approach is competitive with and often superior to several state-of-the-art decision procedures.

Pp. 203-218

The Fluidity of Warrants: Using the Toulmin Model to Analyse Practical Discourse

Olaf Tans

In this paper we present a new decision procedure for the satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (LAL), i.e. boolean combinations of propositional variables and linear constraints over numerical variables. Our approach is based on the well known integration of a propositional SAT procedure with theory deciders, enhanced in the following ways.

First, our procedure relies on an solver for linear arithmetic, that is able to exploit the fact that it is repeatedly called to analyze sequences of increasingly large sets of constraints. Reasoning in the theory of LA interacts with the boolean top level by means of a stack-based interface, that enables the top level to add constraints, set points of backtracking, and backjump, without restarting the procedure from scratch at every call. Sets of inconsistent constraints are found and used to drive backjumping and learning at the boolean level, and theory atoms that are consequences of the current partial assignment are inferred.

Second, the solver is : a satisfying assignment is constructed by reasoning at different levels of abstractions (logic of equality, real values, and integer solutions). Cheaper, more abstract solvers are called first, and unsatisfiability at higher levels is used to prune the search. In addition, theory reasoning is partitioned in different clusters, and tightly integrated with boolean reasoning.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by means of a thorough experimental evaluation: our approach is competitive with and often superior to several state-of-the-art decision procedures.

Pp. 219-230

Artificial Intelligence & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes

Henry Prakken

In this paper we present a new decision procedure for the satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (LAL), i.e. boolean combinations of propositional variables and linear constraints over numerical variables. Our approach is based on the well known integration of a propositional SAT procedure with theory deciders, enhanced in the following ways.

First, our procedure relies on an solver for linear arithmetic, that is able to exploit the fact that it is repeatedly called to analyze sequences of increasingly large sets of constraints. Reasoning in the theory of LA interacts with the boolean top level by means of a stack-based interface, that enables the top level to add constraints, set points of backtracking, and backjump, without restarting the procedure from scratch at every call. Sets of inconsistent constraints are found and used to drive backjumping and learning at the boolean level, and theory atoms that are consequences of the current partial assignment are inferred.

Second, the solver is : a satisfying assignment is constructed by reasoning at different levels of abstractions (logic of equality, real values, and integer solutions). Cheaper, more abstract solvers are called first, and unsatisfiability at higher levels is used to prune the search. In addition, theory reasoning is partitioned in different clusters, and tightly integrated with boolean reasoning.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by means of a thorough experimental evaluation: our approach is competitive with and often superior to several state-of-the-art decision procedures.

Pp. 231-245

Multiple Warrants in Practical Reasoning

Christian Kock

In this paper we present a new decision procedure for the satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (LAL), i.e. boolean combinations of propositional variables and linear constraints over numerical variables. Our approach is based on the well known integration of a propositional SAT procedure with theory deciders, enhanced in the following ways.

First, our procedure relies on an solver for linear arithmetic, that is able to exploit the fact that it is repeatedly called to analyze sequences of increasingly large sets of constraints. Reasoning in the theory of LA interacts with the boolean top level by means of a stack-based interface, that enables the top level to add constraints, set points of backtracking, and backjump, without restarting the procedure from scratch at every call. Sets of inconsistent constraints are found and used to drive backjumping and learning at the boolean level, and theory atoms that are consequences of the current partial assignment are inferred.

Second, the solver is : a satisfying assignment is constructed by reasoning at different levels of abstractions (logic of equality, real values, and integer solutions). Cheaper, more abstract solvers are called first, and unsatisfiability at higher levels is used to prune the search. In addition, theory reasoning is partitioned in different clusters, and tightly integrated with boolean reasoning.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by means of a thorough experimental evaluation: our approach is competitive with and often superior to several state-of-the-art decision procedures.

Pp. 247-259

The Quest for Rationalism without Dogmas in Leibniz and Toulmin

Txetxu Ausín

In this paper we present a new decision procedure for the satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (LAL), i.e. boolean combinations of propositional variables and linear constraints over numerical variables. Our approach is based on the well known integration of a propositional SAT procedure with theory deciders, enhanced in the following ways.

First, our procedure relies on an solver for linear arithmetic, that is able to exploit the fact that it is repeatedly called to analyze sequences of increasingly large sets of constraints. Reasoning in the theory of LA interacts with the boolean top level by means of a stack-based interface, that enables the top level to add constraints, set points of backtracking, and backjump, without restarting the procedure from scratch at every call. Sets of inconsistent constraints are found and used to drive backjumping and learning at the boolean level, and theory atoms that are consequences of the current partial assignment are inferred.

Second, the solver is : a satisfying assignment is constructed by reasoning at different levels of abstractions (logic of equality, real values, and integer solutions). Cheaper, more abstract solvers are called first, and unsatisfiability at higher levels is used to prune the search. In addition, theory reasoning is partitioned in different clusters, and tightly integrated with boolean reasoning.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by means of a thorough experimental evaluation: our approach is competitive with and often superior to several state-of-the-art decision procedures.

Pp. 261-272

From Arguments to Decisions: Extending the Toulmin View

John Fox; Sanjay Modgil

In this paper we present a new decision procedure for the satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (LAL), i.e. boolean combinations of propositional variables and linear constraints over numerical variables. Our approach is based on the well known integration of a propositional SAT procedure with theory deciders, enhanced in the following ways.

First, our procedure relies on an solver for linear arithmetic, that is able to exploit the fact that it is repeatedly called to analyze sequences of increasingly large sets of constraints. Reasoning in the theory of LA interacts with the boolean top level by means of a stack-based interface, that enables the top level to add constraints, set points of backtracking, and backjump, without restarting the procedure from scratch at every call. Sets of inconsistent constraints are found and used to drive backjumping and learning at the boolean level, and theory atoms that are consequences of the current partial assignment are inferred.

Second, the solver is : a satisfying assignment is constructed by reasoning at different levels of abstractions (logic of equality, real values, and integer solutions). Cheaper, more abstract solvers are called first, and unsatisfiability at higher levels is used to prune the search. In addition, theory reasoning is partitioned in different clusters, and tightly integrated with boolean reasoning.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by means of a thorough experimental evaluation: our approach is competitive with and often superior to several state-of-the-art decision procedures.

Pp. 273-287

Using Toulmin Argumentation to Support Dispute Settlement in Discretionary Domains

John Zeleznikow

In this paper we present a new decision procedure for the satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (LAL), i.e. boolean combinations of propositional variables and linear constraints over numerical variables. Our approach is based on the well known integration of a propositional SAT procedure with theory deciders, enhanced in the following ways.

First, our procedure relies on an solver for linear arithmetic, that is able to exploit the fact that it is repeatedly called to analyze sequences of increasingly large sets of constraints. Reasoning in the theory of LA interacts with the boolean top level by means of a stack-based interface, that enables the top level to add constraints, set points of backtracking, and backjump, without restarting the procedure from scratch at every call. Sets of inconsistent constraints are found and used to drive backjumping and learning at the boolean level, and theory atoms that are consequences of the current partial assignment are inferred.

Second, the solver is : a satisfying assignment is constructed by reasoning at different levels of abstractions (logic of equality, real values, and integer solutions). Cheaper, more abstract solvers are called first, and unsatisfiability at higher levels is used to prune the search. In addition, theory reasoning is partitioned in different clusters, and tightly integrated with boolean reasoning.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by means of a thorough experimental evaluation: our approach is competitive with and often superior to several state-of-the-art decision procedures.

Pp. 289-301

Toulmin's Model and the Solving of Ill-Structured Problems

James F. Voss

In this paper we present a new decision procedure for the satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (LAL), i.e. boolean combinations of propositional variables and linear constraints over numerical variables. Our approach is based on the well known integration of a propositional SAT procedure with theory deciders, enhanced in the following ways.

First, our procedure relies on an solver for linear arithmetic, that is able to exploit the fact that it is repeatedly called to analyze sequences of increasingly large sets of constraints. Reasoning in the theory of LA interacts with the boolean top level by means of a stack-based interface, that enables the top level to add constraints, set points of backtracking, and backjump, without restarting the procedure from scratch at every call. Sets of inconsistent constraints are found and used to drive backjumping and learning at the boolean level, and theory atoms that are consequences of the current partial assignment are inferred.

Second, the solver is : a satisfying assignment is constructed by reasoning at different levels of abstractions (logic of equality, real values, and integer solutions). Cheaper, more abstract solvers are called first, and unsatisfiability at higher levels is used to prune the search. In addition, theory reasoning is partitioned in different clusters, and tightly integrated with boolean reasoning.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by means of a thorough experimental evaluation: our approach is competitive with and often superior to several state-of-the-art decision procedures.

Pp. 303-311