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Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms: An Introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra

David Cox John Little Donal O’Shea

Third Edition.

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Algebraic Geometry; Commutative Rings and Algebras; Mathematical Logic and Foundations; Mathematical Software

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag New York 2007

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Tabla de contenidos

Geometry, Algebra, and Algorithms

David Cox; John Little; Donal O’Shea

This chapter will introduce some of the basic themes of the book. The geometry we are interested in concerns , which are curves and surfaces (and higher dimensional objects) defined by polynomial equations. To understand affine varieties, we will need some algebra, and in particular, we will need to study in the polynomial ring [1]. Finally, we will discuss polynomials in one variable to illustrate the role played by

Pp. 1-48

Groebner Bases

David Cox; John Little; Donal O’Shea

In Chapter 1, we have seen how the algebra of the polynomial rings and the geometry of affine algebraic varieties are linked. In this chapter, we will study the method of Groebner bases, which will allow us to solve problems about polynomial ideals in an algorithmic or computational fashion.

Pp. 49-114

Elimination Theory

David Cox; John Little; Donal O’Shea

This chapter will study systematic methods for eliminating variables from systems of polynomial equations. The basic strategy of elimination theory will be given in two main theorems: the Elimination Theorem and the Extension Theorem. We will prove these results using Groebner bases and the classic theory of resultants.

Pp. 115-168

The Algebra–Geometry Dictionary

David Cox; John Little; Donal O’Shea

In this chapter, we will explore the correspondence between ideals and varieties. In §§1 and 2, we will prove the Nullstellensatz, a celebrated theorem which identifies exactly which ideals correspond to varieties. This will allow us to construct a “dictionary” between geometry and algebra, whereby any statement about varieties can be translated into a statement about ideals (and conversely). We will pursue this theme in §§3 and 4, where we will define a number of natural algebraic operations on ideals and study their geometric analogues.

Pp. 169-214

Polynomial and Rational Functions on a Variety

David Cox; John Little; Donal O’Shea

One of the unifying themes of modern mathematics is that in order to understand any class of mathematical objects, one should also study between those objects, and especially the mappings which preserve some property of interest. For instance, in linear algebra after studying vector spaces, you also studied the properties of between vector spaces (mappings that preserve the vector space operations of sum and scalar product).

Pp. 215-264

Robotics and Automatic Geometric Theorem Proving

David Cox; John Little; Donal O’Shea

In this chapter we will consider two recent applications of concepts and techniques from algebraic geometry in areas of computer science. First, continuing a theme introduced in several examples in Chapter 1, we will develop a systematic approach that uses algebraic varieties to describe the space of possible configurations of mechanical linkages such as robot “arms.” We will use this approach to solve the forward and inverse kinematic problems of robotics for certain types of robots.

Pp. 265-316

Invariant Theory of Finite Groups

David Cox; John Little; Donal O’Shea

Invariant theory has had a profound effect on the development of algebraic geometry. For example, the Hilbert Basis Theorem and Hilbert Nullstellensatz, which play a central role in the earlier chapters in this book, were proved by Hilbert in the course of his investigations of invariant theory.

Pp. 317-356

Projective Algebraic Geometry

David Cox; John Little; Donal O’Shea

So far all of the varieties we have studied have been subsets of affine space . In this chapter, we will enlarge k by adding certain “points at ∞” to create -dimensional projective space

Pp. 357-438

The Dimension of a Variety

David Cox; John Little; Donal O’Shea

The most important invariant of a linear subspace of affine space is its dimension. For affine varieties, we have seen numerous examples which have a clearly defined dimension, at least from a naive point of view. In this chapter, we will carefully define the dimension of any affine or projective variety and show how to compute it. We will also show that this notion accords well with what we would expect intuitively. In keeping with our general philosophy, we consider the computational side of dimension theory right from the outset.

Pp. 439-508

Some Concepts from Algebra

David Cox; John Little; Donal O’Shea

This appendix contains precise statements of various algebraic facts and definitions used in the text. For students who have had a course in abstract algebra, much of this material will be familiar. For students seeing these terms for the first time, keep in mind that the abstract concepts defined here are used in the text in very concrete situations.

Pp. 509-512