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IFAE 2006: Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie Italian Meeting on High Energy Physics

Guido Montagna ; Oreste Nicrosini ; Valerio Vercesi (eds.)

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Italia 2007

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays: Session Summary

Eligio Lisi; Laura Patrizii

The IFAE 2006 parallel session on “Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays” hosted 14 presentations, which are representative of the current Italian contribution to neutrino physics (with particular attention to flavor oscillations and absolute masses) and to cosmic ray physics, from both theoretical and experimental viewpoints. In this summary we report upon the main topics presented and discussed at the session.

- Review Talks of Parallel Sessions | Pp. 101-106

Detectors and New Technologies

A. Cardini; M. Michelotto; V. Rosso

This paper summarizes the talks given in the “Detector and New Technologies” Parallel Session. This session gives an overview of some of the research activities carried out within the . As stated on the INFN web page, “The National Scientific Committee V is a precursor and incubator for new projects devoted to INFN’s experiments: the researchers group develops materials, apparatus, new or improved procedures or, more generally, cutting-edge technologies for experiments in nuclear, subnuclear and astro-particle physics”. The activity of this Scientific Committee develops in four main items:

- Review Talks of Parallel Sessions | Pp. 107-114

Theoretical progress in the muon -2

M. Passera

Recent progress in the determination of the Standard Model prediction for the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon is briefly reviewed.

- Parallel Session: Standard Model Physics (P. Azzi and F. Piccinini, conveners) | Pp. 117-120

Beyond leading-log approximation in the Parton Shower approach to Bhabha process

G. Balossini; C. M. Carloni Calame; G. Montagna; O. Nicrosini; F. Piccinini

An original matching procedure of the Parton Shower approach to Bhabha process with the complete exact () matrix elements is discussed, in relation to high-precision luminosity determination at flavour factories. For this purpose, a new version of event generator has been released, with a theoretical error reduced down to 0.1%, as estimated by comparison with independent calculations.

- Parallel Session: Standard Model Physics (P. Azzi and F. Piccinini, conveners) | Pp. 121-125

Status and prospects of the measurement

Federico Nguyen

The present status and the near and far future prospects of the measurements are briefly reviewed.

- Parallel Session: Standard Model Physics (P. Azzi and F. Piccinini, conveners) | Pp. 127-130

Recent Results from HERA

Andrea Parenti

The HERA collider located in Hamburg, Germany, is a unique facility which collides protons of 920GeV and electrons (or positrons) of 27.5GeV.

- Parallel Session: Standard Model Physics (P. Azzi and F. Piccinini, conveners) | Pp. 131-134

Twistors and Unitarity

Pierpaolo Mastrolia

Motivated by the demand for a higher accuracy description of the multi-particle processes that will take place at the upcoming LHC experiment, the theoretical efforts to develop new computational techniques for perturbative calculation have received a strong boost, stemmed from techniques and unitarity-based methods.

- Parallel Session: Standard Model Physics (P. Azzi and F. Piccinini, conveners) | Pp. 135-139

Resummations in QCD: recent developments

Andrea Banfi

There are processes which involve two widely separated scales and , where is a hard scale, and real emissions characterised by momentum scales larger than are not measured, so that only their virtual counterpart contributes to physical observables. Since both real and virtual corrections are infrared and collinear (IRC) divergent, but their sum is finite, incomplete real-virtual cancellations give rise to large logarithms = ln in perturbative (PT) expansions, which spoil their convergence.

- Parallel Session: Standard Model Physics (P. Azzi and F. Piccinini, conveners) | Pp. 141-144

Resummation of Drell-Yan rapidity distributions

Paolo Bolzoni

The threshold resummation of Drell-Yan rapidity distributions was first considered in 1992 []. At that time, it was suggested a resummation formula for the case of zero rapidity. Very recently, thanks to the analysis of the full NLO calculation of the Drell-Yan rapidity distribution, it has been shown [], that the result given in [] is valid at NLL for all rapidities.

- Parallel Session: Standard Model Physics (P. Azzi and F. Piccinini, conveners) | Pp. 145-148

Recent jet measurements at the Tevatron

Sofia Vallecorsa

The Run II physics program started at the Tevatron in spring 2001, introducing a new level of QCD precision measurement at hadron colliders. The higher center-of-mass energy ( = 1.96TeV compared to Run I = 1.8TeV) corresponds to a larger jet production rate, which together with an improved acceptance of CDF [] and D0 [] detectors enables stringent tests to pQCD over a wide range in jet energy and rapidity. More than 1 fb of data is already available to analysis: in this contribution some new jet physics measurements are described focusing on high pt jet inclusive production, multi jets final states in association to weak bosons ( and ) and heavy flavor jet production.

- Parallel Session: Standard Model Physics (P. Azzi and F. Piccinini, conveners) | Pp. 149-152