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Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: Proceedings of ENUMATH 2005, the 6th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 2005

Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro ; Dolores Gómez ; Peregrina Quintela ; Pilar Salgado (eds.)

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Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis; Computational Science and Engineering

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer 2006

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Tabla de contenidos

Stability for Walls in Ferromagnetic Nanowire

G. Carbou; S. Labbé

We study the stability of travelling wall profiles for a one dimensional model of ferromagnetic nanowire submitted to an exterior magnetic field. We prove that these profiles are asymptotically stable modulo a translation-rotation for small applied magnetic fields.


Continuous Galerkin Methods for Solving Maxwell Equations in 3D Geometries

Patrick Ciarlet; Erell Jamelot

Maxwell equations are easily resolved when the computational domain is convex or with a smooth boundary, but if on the contrary it includes geometrical singularities, the electromagnetic field is locally unbounded and globally hard to compute. The challenge is to find out numerical methods which can capture the EM field accurately. Numerically speaking, it is advised, while solving the coupled Maxwell-Vlasov system, to compute a continuous approximation of the field. However, if the domain contains geometrical singularities, continuous finite elements span a strict subset of all possible fields, which is made of the -regular fields. In order to recover the total field, one can use additional ansatz functions or introduce a weight. The first method, known as the singular complement method [4, 3, 14, 2, 9, 15, 16] works well in 2 and 2½ geometries and the second method, known as the weighted regularization method [13] works in 2 and 3. In this contribution, we examine some recent developments of the latter method to solve instationary Maxwell equations and we provide numerical results.


On the Use of the Gautschi-Type Exponential Integrator for Wave Equations

Volker Grimm

Wave equations are especially challenging for numerical integratorss since the solution is often not smooth and there is no smoothing in time. The largest usable step size of standard integrators, as for example the often used Störmer- Verlet-Leap-Frog-scheme, depends on the space discretisation. The better the approximation in space, the smaller the required step size of the integrator. The presented exponential integrator allows for error bounds independent of the space discretisation but only dependent on constants arising from the original problem. This favourable property is demonstrated with the Sine-Gordon equation.


Positivity of Exponential Multistep Methods

Alexander Ostermann; Mechthild Thalhammer

In this paper, we consider exponential integrators that are based on linear multistep methods and study their positivity properties for abstract evolution equations. We prove that the order of a positive exponential multistep method is two at most and further show that there exist second-order methods preserving positivity.


Stability Results and Algorithmic Strategies for the Finite Element Approach to the Immersed Boundary Method

Daniele Boffi; Lucia Gastaldi; Luca Heltai

The immersed boundary method is both a mathematical formulation and a numerical method for the study of fluid structure interactions. Many numerical schemes have been introduced to reduce the difficulties related to the non-linear coupling between the structure and the fluid evolution; however numerical instabilities arise when explicit or semi-implicit methods are considered. In this work we present a stability analysis based on energy estimates for the variational formulation of the immersed boundary method.


A Comparison of Enthalpy and Temperature Methods for Melting Problems on Composite Domains

J.H. Brusche; A. Segal; C. Vuik; H.P. Urbach

In optical rewritable recording media, such as the Blu-ray Disc, amorphous marks are formed on a crystalline background of a phase-change layer, by means of short, high power laser pulses. It is of great importance to understand the mark formation process, in order to improve this data storage concept. The recording layer is part of a grooved multi-layered geometry, consisting of a variety of materials of which the material properties are assumed to be constant per layer, but may differ by various orders of magnitude in different layers. The melting stage of the mark formation process requires the inclusion of latent heat. In this study a comparison is made of numerical techniques for resolving the associated Stefan problem. The considered methods have been adapted to be applicable to multi-layers.


Qualitative Properties of a Numerical Scheme for the Heat Equation

Liviu I. Ignat

In this paper we consider a classical finite difference approximation of the heat equation. We study the long time behaviour of the solutions of the considered scheme and various questions related to the fundamental solutions. Finally we obtain the first term in the asymptotic expansion of the solutions.


Modeling Radiation and Moisture Content in Fire Spread

L. Ferragut; M.I. Asensio; S. Monedero

A numerical method for a 2-dimensional surface fire model taking into account moisture content and radiation is developed. We consider the combustion of a porous solid, where a simplified energy conservation equation is applied. The effects of the moisture content and the endothermic pyrolysis of the vegetation are introduced in the model by means of a multivalued function representing the enthalpy. Its resolution is based on the Yosida approximation of a perturbation of this operator. The radiation term allows us to cope with wind and slope effects. In order to avoid heavy time consuming computations, this term is approximated using the characteristic method, combined with a discrete ordinate method. Finally, the approximate solution of the energy equation in the porous solid is obtained using a finite element method together with a semi-implicit Euler algorithm in time.


Fast Multipole Method for Solving the Radiosity Equation

J. Morice; K. Mer-Nkonga; A. Bachelot

For the radiosity equation, we investigate iterative solutions and acceleration by the Fast Multipole Method (FMM). In this paper, a new FMM for general kernels is proposed to solve this equation, inspired by the method proposed by Gimbutas and Rokhlin [SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 24, 796–817 (2002)].


Numerical Modelling of Kinetic Equations

J. Banasiak; N. Parumasur; J.M. Kozakiewicz

We consider using a modified asymptotic procedure for the numerical modelling of various kinetic equations.