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Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2005

Nathalie Waldau ; Peter Gattermann ; Hermann Knoflacher ; Michael Schreckenberg (eds.)

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Applications of Mathematics; Behavioral Sciences

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Dynamic Navigation Field — a local and on-demand family of algorithms for wayfinding

M. Gilman; H. Moldovan; M. Tencer

Simulation of pedestrian navigation in dynamic and complex real environments is a critic and hard problem. In this paper we will introduce a family of case-based reasoning algorithms for wayfinding called Dynamic Navigation Field or DNF that transforms global information into local knowledge according to the requirements of the surrounding environment. In DNF the case memory is composed by a set of navigation fields generated locally and on-demand with efficient storing and retrieval performance.

- Evacuation Simulation | Pp. 239-251

Microscopic calibration and validation of pedestrian models — Cross-comparison of models using experimental data

S. P. Hoogendoorn; W. Daamen; R. Landman

Calibration of microscopic simulation models is complex due to amongst other things the large number of model parameters, and the lack of suitable data. Rather than a qualitative test to determine whether model predictions are plausible on an aggregate (macroscopic) level, this contribution focuses on statistical calibration of model parameter from individual pedestrian trajectory data. To this end, a new generic approach is presented enables parameter estimation for microscopic models in general and in particular for walker models. The application results provide new insight into the behavior of individual pedestrians, the inter-pedestrian differences, as well as the resulting pedestrian flow characteristics. By comparing different models of increasing complexity, it is investigated which of the model amendments are significant from a statistical point of view and which are not. It is shown that besides anisotropy, finite reaction times play an important role in correctly describing microscopic walking behavior.

- Evacuation Simulation | Pp. 253-265

Pedestrian flow optimization with a genetic algorithm based on Boolean grids

A. Johansson; D. Helbing

When a large group of pedestrians is to be evacuated out of a building, one of the most dangerous locations is at the doors. In emergency situations when pedestrians panic or fear for their lives, they tend to force their ways out, even if the exits are jammed, which creates a clogging phenomenon that is much more pronounced during an evacuation than under normal conditions. It has been shown that it is possible to increase the outflow by suitably placing a pillar or some other type of obstacle in front of the exit, which reduces the inter-pedestrian pressure in front of the door, decreases the magnitude of clogging and therefore makes the overall outflow higher and more regular. To investigate how the architectural infrastructure in the vicinity of a door, or other bottleneck, shall be constructed to maximize the pedestrian outflow under evacuation conditions, we present a method based on a Genetic Algorithm.

- Evacuation Simulation | Pp. 267-272

Developing a Pedestrian Agent Model for Analyzing an Overpass accident

T. Kaneda

Recent softwares have enabled us to apply pedestrian dynamics models into analyses on pedestrian accidents. The author had already developed a pedestrian dynamics model, called ASPF, based on the cell space model, that is evolved from Cellular-Automata (CA). After a couple of years’ efforts for continuous revision, we analyze the causes on an accident of Asagiri Pedestrian Overpass in 2001 even though retrospectively. In this paper, the typical existing models for pedestrian dynamics are reviewed, especially explaining on the class of cell space models. Next, ASPF (Agent Simulator of Pedestrian Flows) are explained, in that each pedestrian moves according to several behavioural rules on the cell-grid space of 40 cm side each. Based on not only the fundamental findings from the existing spatial researches but also these from the accident report, ASPF ver.2 is ‘tuned up’ carefully. ASPF ver.2 is to assess measures for managing pedestrian flows by focusing on the domino risk (density 3 to 5) that shows a symptom for the accident rather than a reconstruction of the real accident itself that had occurred at extremely high density (more than 10). The simulation results show that a two-way flow, combined with standing spectators (stoppers) can trigger an accident even on an overpass that satisfies present design standards. Moreover, we have confirmed that even simple traffic regulations such as partitions can be an effective measure to prevent a pedestrian accident.

- Evacuation Simulation | Pp. 273-284

The simulation of crowd dynamics at very large events — Calibration, empirical data, and validation

H. Klüpfel

In this article, we show three examples for the application of pedestrian flow simulation and analysis: the Haj to Makkah, the World Youth Day 2005 in Cologne, and the egress (non-emergency) from a football stadium. The former two are among the largest events in the world — concerning the number of participants. Various circumstances are specific for religious events. The persons might perform rituals and therefore the patterns of movement or gathering are governed by rules that go beyond simple necessity or comfort. Furthermore, the persons are usually very much attracted by the (idealistic) aim of their pilgrimage. For the Haj to Makkah, the Jamarat Bridge, where the symbolic stoning of the devil takes place, is the most interesting part concerning crowd dynamics. The same holds for the final service at the World Youth Day 2005 in Cologne, celebrated by the Pope. The paper is divided into five parts: The first section is concerned with model building and the second with the calibration of parameters by empirical data. The following two sections are dealing with simulation results and their verification. The final section summarizes the results, provides recommendations and concludes with the most important implications for the field of crowd dynamics simulation.

- Evacuation Simulation | Pp. 285-296

Moore and more and symmetry

T. Kretz; M. Schreckenberg

In any spatially discrete model of pedestrian motion which uses a regular lattice as basis, there is the question of how the symmetry between the different directions of motion can be restored as far as possible but with limited computational eort. This question is equivalent to the question “How important is the orientation of the axis of discretization for the result of the simulation?” An optimization in terms of symmetry can be combined with the implementation of higher and heterogeniously distributed walking speeds by representing different walking speeds via different amounts of cells an agent may move during one round. Therefore all different possible neighborhoods for speeds up to v = 10 (cells per round) will be examined for the amount of deviation from radial symmetry. Simple criteria will be stated which will allow to find an optimal neighborhood for each speed. It will be shown that following these criteria even the best mixture of steps in Moore and von Neumann neighborhoods is unable to reproduce the optimal neighborhood for a speed as low as 4.

- Evacuation Simulation | Pp. 297-308

The RiMEA Project — Development of a new Regulation

T. Meyer-Köig; N. Waldau; H. Klüfel

The guideline MSC/Circ.1033, developed by the International Maritime Organisation in 2002 is the only regulation worldwide, which defines a minimum standard for simulation tools and how they have to be applied in order to perform an evacuation analysis. Its application is mandatory for RoPax vessels, ferries carrying rolling cargo as well as passengers.

However, for the use of evacuation simulations in land based applications like buildings, no precise regulation existed. Authorities having to assess evaluations based on simulations had to rely on the seriousness of the person or company performing the simulations. The following paper introduces the RiMEA project which was among others initiated by TraffGo HT. Based on the uniquely organized work of about forty participants (fire safety engineers, simulation developers and authorities) from Switzerland, Austria and Germany a new guideline for the building industry is developed. It will reach its second level of completion when PED2005 is taking place.

- Evacuation Simulation | Pp. 309-313

Football Stadium Simulation — A microscopic simulation of the pedestrian access

H. Moldovan; M. Gilman; P. Knoblauch; S. Woloj

In this work we will present a set of results from the simulation of the input process of a football stadium. The results were obtained with Smartcrowd. This simulation software considers each pedestrian individually and calculates the real physical forces acting over him/her. With Smartcrowd it is possible to introduce behavioral patterns for representing collective behavior. The results were compared with observations made in the real system. We will also introduce the methodology used for extracting very useful information from the real system. The considered problem is highly complex as it involves thousands of persons, different activities and a simulation surface of about 10.000 m.

- Evacuation Simulation | Pp. 315-320

Instability of pedestrian flow in two-dimensional optimal velocity model

A. Nakayama; Y. Sugiyama; K. Hasebe

A two dimensional optimal velocity model was proposed for the study of pedestrian flow. We investigate the stability of homogeneous flow in the linear approximation and show the phase diagram of the model. We also investigate the behavior of pedestrian flow by numerical simulation in the cases of unidirectional and counter flow. From these results, we present a unified understanding of the properties of pedestrian flow and other related systems.

- Evacuation Simulation | Pp. 321-332

Evacuation Simulation at Linz Central Station — Usefulness during design, approval and start-up

C. Neumann; R. J. Neunteufel

For the design and the permit application procedure at the Linz Central Station, an evacuation simulation was carried out, which allowed questions of the individual parties involved about the evacuation of persons from the complex building to be answered. The large streams of people created by passengers changing trains called for specific regulations regarding passenger flows and evacuation scenarios.

- Evacuation Simulation | Pp. 333-339