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Harmonic Analysis and Applications: In Honor of John J. Benedetto

Christopher Heil (eds.)

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Abstract Harmonic Analysis; Fourier Analysis; Functional Analysis; Operator Theory; Approximations and Expansions

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Birkhäuser Boston 2006

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

The Gibbs Phenomenon in Higher Dimensions

George Benke

The concept of star discontinuity is defined for functions of several variables. A star discontinuity in dimension one is simply a jump discontinuity. It is then shown that in arbitrary dimensions the Gibbs phenomenon for square convergence occurs for periodic functions satisfying appropriate hypotheses at star discontinuities.

Part I - Harmonic Analysis | Pp. 3-16

Weighted Sobolev Inequalities for Gradients

Hans P. Heinig

We derive from Fourier inequalities between weighted Lebesgue spaces, weighted Sobolev gradient inequalities for a wide range of indices. The weight functions for which these inequalities hold are easily computable, but the norm constants are not optimal.

Part I - Harmonic Analysis | Pp. 17-23

Semidiscrete Multipliers

Georg Zimmermann

A semidiscrete multiplier is an operator between a space of functions or distributions on a locally compact Abelian group G on the one hand, and a space of sequences on a discrete subgroup H of G on the other hand, with the property that it commutes with shifts by H . We describe the basic form of such operators and show a number of representation theorems for classical spaces like L ^p, C _0, etc. We also point out parallels to representation theorems for multipliers.

Palabras clave: Banach Space; Representation Theorem; Fundamental Domain; Discrete Subgroup; Compact Abelian Group.

Part I - Harmonic Analysis | Pp. 25-48

A Physical Interpretation of Tight Frames

Peter G. Casazza; Matthew Fickus; Jelena Kovačević; Manuel T. Leon; Janet C. Tremain

We characterize the existence of finite tight frames whose frame elements are of predetermined length. In particular, we derive a “fundamental inequality” which completely characterizes those sequences which arise as the lengths of a tight frame’s elements. Furthermore, using concepts from classical physics, we show that this characterization has an intuitive physical interpretation.

Palabras clave: Orthogonal Complement; Tight Frame; Potential Energy Function; Dual Frame; Frame Operator.

Part II - Frame Theory | Pp. 51-76

Recent Developments in the Balian-Low Theorem

Wojciech Czaja; Alexander M. Powell

The Balian-Low Theorem is one of many manifestations of the uncertainty principle in harmonic analysis. Originally stated as a result on the poor time-frequency localization of generating functions of Gabor orthonormal bases, it has become a synonym for many general and abstract problems in time-frequency analysis. In this chapter we present some of the directions in which the Balian-Low Theorem has been extended in recent years.

Palabras clave: Uncertainty Principle; Symplectic Form; Riesz Base; Gabor Frame; Gabor System.

Part III - Time-Frequency Analysis | Pp. 79-100

Some Problems Related to the Distributional Zak Transform

Jean-Pierre Gabardo

We define the distributional Zak transform and study some of its properties. We show how the distributional Zak transform can be used as an effective tool in the theory of Gabor systems where the window function belongs to the Schwartz class S (ℝ) and where the product of the parameters defining the Gabor system is rational. In particular, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the linear span of such a Gabor system to be dense in S (ℝ) in the topology of S (ℝ) and, if this is the case, we show that a dual window in the Schwartz class can be constructed. We also characterize when such a Gabor system satisfies the Riesz property.

Palabras clave: Linear Span; Window Function; Polynomial Growth; Dirac Mass; Gabor Frame.

Part III - Time-Frequency Analysis | Pp. 101-126

Gabor Duality Characterizations

Eric Hayashi; Shidong Li; Tracy Sorrells

Gabor duality studies have resulted in a number of characterizations of dual Gabor frames, among which the Wexler-Raz identity and the operator approach reformulation by Janssen and by Daubechies, Landau, and Landau are well known. A concise overview of existing Gabor duality characterizations is presented. In particular, we demonstrate that the Gabor duality conditions by Wexler and Raz [ 23 ] and by Daubechies, Landau, and Landau [ 6 ], and the parametric dual Gabor formula of [ 15 ] are equivalent.

Palabras clave: Dual Frame; Gabor Frame; Frame Operator; Dual Lattice; Bessel Sequence.

Part III - Time-Frequency Analysis | Pp. 127-137

A Pedestrian’s Approach to Pseudodifferential Operators

Karlheinz Gröchenig

Pseudodifferential operators are an indispensable tool for the study of partial differential equations and are therefore a branch of classical analysis. In this chapter we offer an approach using time-frequency methods. In this approach time-frequency representations that are standard in signal analysis are used to set up the formalism of pseudodifferential operators, and certain classes of function spaces and symbols, the modulation spaces, arise naturally in the investigation. Although the approach is “pedestrian” and based more on engineering intuition than on “hard” analysis, strong results on boundedness and Schatten class properties are within its scope.

Palabras clave: Pseudodifferential Operator; Inversion Formula; Modulation Space; Compact Abelian Group; Gabor Frame.

Part III - Time-Frequency Analysis | Pp. 139-169

Linear Independence of Finite Gabor Systems

Christopher Heil

This chapter is an introduction to an open conjecture in time-frequency analysis on the linear independence of a finite set of time-frequency shifts of a given L ^2 function. Background and motivation for the conjecture are provided in the form of a survey of related ideas, results, and open problems in frames, Gabor systems, and other aspects of time-frequency analysis, especially those related to independence. The partial results that are known to hold for the conjecture are also presented and discussed.

Palabras clave: Heisenberg Group; Riesz Basis; Tight Frame; Wavelet Frame; Gabor Frame.

Part III - Time-Frequency Analysis | Pp. 171-206

Explicit Cross-Sections of Singly Generated Group Actions

David Larson; Eckart Schulz; Darrin Speegle; Keith F. Taylor

We consider two classes of actions on ℝ^n—one continuous and one discrete. For matrices of the form A = e ^B with B ∈ M _n(ℝ), we consider the action given by γ → γ A ^t. We characterize the matrices A for which there is a cross-section for this action. The discrete action we consider is given by γ → γ A ^k, where A ∈ GL _n(ℝ). We characterize the matrices A for which there exists a cross-section for this action as well. We also characterize those A for which there exist special types of cross-sections; namely, bounded cross-sections and finite-measure cross-sections. Explicit examples of cross-sections are provided for each of the cases in which cross-sections exist. Finally, these explicit cross-sections are used to characterize those matrices for which there exist minimally supported frequency (MSF) wavelets with infinitely many wavelet functions. Along the way, we generalize a well-known aspect of the theory of shift-invariant spaces to shift-invariant spaces with infinitely many generators.

Part IV - Wavelet Theory | Pp. 209-230