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Research Notes of the AAS (RNAAS)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Research Notes of the AAS is a non-peer reviewed, indexed and secure record of works in progress, comments and clarifications, null results, or timely reports of observations in astronomy and astrophysics.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde ene. 2017 / hasta dic. 2023 IOPScience


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

American Astronomical Society (AAS)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Información sobre licencias CC

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

New Light on the Companions of the Population II Subgiants HD 3460 and HR 173

Klaus FuhrmannORCID; Rolf Chini

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 45

UV Observations of the Orion Nebula Reveal New Outflows and Jets

John BallyORCID; Bo ReipurthORCID

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 46

A Simulated Data Set for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite

Jon M. JenkinsORCID; Peter Tenenbaum; Douglas A. Caldwell; Misty Davies; Jie Li; Robert L. Morris; Mark Rose; Jeffrey C. Smith; Eric Ting; Joseph D. TwickenORCID; Scott Dynes; Michael Fausnaugh; Ana GliddenORCID; Natalia Guerrero; Miranda Kephart; Edward Morgan; Daryl Swade; Roland Vanderspek

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 47

Jittering Jets in Cooling Flow Clusters

Noam SokerORCID

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 48

A Single Radio Source in the High-redshift Dual AGN LBQS 0302-0019

Sándor FreyORCID; Krisztina É. Gabányi

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 49

Radial Velocity Follow-up of the Disintegrating Planet KIC 12557548b

Kento MasudaORCID; Teruyuki HiranoORCID; Hajime KawaharaORCID; Bun’ei SatoORCID

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 50

New Perspectives of our Nearby Red Dwarf Neighbor Wolf 359 from theKepler K2Mission

Edward F. GuinanORCID; Scott G. EngleORCID

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 1

Two New Runaway O-type Stars inGaiaDR1

Petko NedialkovORCID; Manol Gerushin; Valentin D. IvanovORCID

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 2

Dust and Line Emission from the Seyfert Nucleus of Mrk 352

Marlon R. Diniz; Rogemar A. Riffel; O. L. Dors

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 3

Seeing Double: The Globular Cluster(s) Terzan 9?

Eduardo Bica; Charles Bonatto

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 4